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Major Anti-Speed Camera Protest Across France
French farmers disabled speed cameras in nationwide protest last week. UK license plate camera sabotaged.

Protesters in France
French farmers continued their protest against the government in several departments last week. Growers are upset over excessive environmental regulation at home while the Mercosur agreement allows unrestricted importation of food from South America. On Saturday, the Young Farmers' Union of Eure (JA27) blinded speed cameras with tree branches, making them "green" according to the group's signs.

"Environmental regulations go too far and penalize our means of production with a financial impact on farms," JA27 President Romain Loiseau said. "We are asked to eliminate chemical products without scientific reason. France wants to be greener than green."

In Oise on Thursday, thirty-one speed cameras were covered as the gendarmes watched. In La Manche, the Rural Coordination covered speed cameras on Monday, November 11, and Tuesday. In Salon-de-Provence, fluorescent spraypaint defeated the speed camera on the D538.

In Freiburg, Germany, opponents of automated ticketing machines on Saturday spraypainted the mobile speed camera that had been issuing tickets on the B34 in Klettgau, according to local police reports. Vigilantes in Cambridge, England, sabotaged the automated license plate reader on Mill Road just prior to its scheduled activation on Monday, November 11. The device was to be used to issue automated tickets to people disobeying the arbitrary limits on "non-exempt" vehicles like buses. Officials found the cable powering the camera had been severed

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