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Maryland, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cams Removed
Anti-speed camera forces celebrate in Italy. Photo radar devices were destroyed the devices in Maryland, France and Germany last week.

Fleximan parade
Vigilantes in College Park, Maryland, fired two shots at the mobile speed camera trailer set up on University Boulevard near the University of Maryland on Monday, February 17. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

In Sedico, Italy, the public celebrated the anti-speed camera hero known as Fleximan at the carnival on Sunday, February 16. Revelers marched in Piazza della Vittoria in speed camera costumes in tribute to the vigilante.

In Lippe, Germany, vigilantes on Wednesday attempted to pry open the speed camera on Vossheider Strasse. Police did not disclose the extent of damage done to the device. On the same day in Kaltenkirchen, on a motorist pulled over and kicked over the mobile speed camera trap set up on Grashofstrasse, with damage estimated at 1000 euros (US $1050).

In Flixecourt, France, opponents of automated ticketing machines on Thursday set fire to the pile of tires surrounding the speed camera on the RD1001. Nothing remains but a pile of cinders. In Maizieres-la-Grande-Paroisse, vigilantes spun around the large speed camera on the RD619 so that it faced away from traffic, unable to issue automated citations.

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Maryland, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cams Removed

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