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Mounties Investigate Edmonton Camera Contract
Canadian authorities investigate possible illegal influence used to secure $90 million camera contract in Edmonton.

MountiesDallas-based camera operator ACS is among those under investigation by Canadian authorities for attempting to influence a $90 million camera contract. Recall that in 2001, an employee for what is now ACS testified in the San Diego red light camera trial that the company only cares about profit -- not safety. It's not surprising they would offer "perks" like trips to Vegas to get the contract would be written in such a way that none of the other camera companies could compete.
Additional coverage: Edmonton Journal Article

Article Excerpt:
Mounties began probing the photo-radar tendering process amid allegations that several city cops accepted perks from Texas-based Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), which police later recommended for a new contract worth up to $90 million without considering other bids.
Source: Radar firm recommended despite probe (Edmonton Sun, 12/18/2004)

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