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Liverpool University: Speed Cameras Don't Reduce Fatalities
Forthcoming research from Liverpool University shows that speed cameras in the UK have not reduced fatal and serious injury accidents.

University of Liverpool
Forthcoming research from the University of Liverpool in England concludes that speed camera enforcement does not produce a significant safety benefit. "We could not detect a significant change in fatal and serious crashes at camera sites," the study concluded.

Led by Dr. Linda Mountain, the researchers examined data from 149 sites with a 30 MPH speed limit. The results suggest previous claims to a safety benefit rely on an error known as "regression to the mean." This happens when cameras are placed at locations that have a temporary spike in the number of accidents that -- with or without the cameras -- naturally drop back to normal. The UK government funded the study which will be published in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention.

"It was a surprise," Dr. Mountain said yesterday revealing the outcome of the investigation. "I had expected to find some reduction."

In response, Safe Speed road safety campaign founder said: "Far from saving lives [speed cameras] have displaced genuine life saving road safety policies resulting in considerable loss of life."

Source: Cameras don't cut deaths (The Sun (UK), 5/22/2005)

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