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Scotland: Millions of Fines, But More Accidents
Deaths up 9% on Scottish roads, despite 12 million GBP in profit from 500 speed cameras.

Groundskeeper Willy
The network of 500 speed cameras in Scotland has raised 12 million GBP in traffic fines and 180,948 drivers received fines and penalty points against their insurance. Yet the death rate has increased -- contrary to the promises of camera advocates.

Key Statistic:
In total across Scotland, 180,948 drivers were fined and had penalty points imposed in 2003 compared to 125,000 in 1999.

Article Excerpt:
"Yet, after years of annual falls in the number of Scottish fatalities, we've
just had a nine per cent rise despite the huge increase in camera offences." [Paul Smith, Safespeed]
Source: Cameras earn $12m as road deaths rise (Daily Express (UK), 12/22/2004)

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