UK: Fake Speed Camera Linked to Real Fatal AccidentA fake speed camera is being investigated as a possible cause of a fatal accident in Hampshire, England.

A bed and breakfast owner fed up with what he believed to be a speeding problem on a nearby road placed a fake speed camera on a telegraph pole to slow drivers. Seeing people hit their brakes as they passed, he judged it a success.
The fake camera is now being investigated as a possible cause of a fatal accident. Police sources say the owner may be asked to remove the fake camera.
Article Excerpt:
But a Hampshire Police spokesman said: "Officers will be looking at the presence of the fake speed camera as part of their inquiry."Source: Police to probe use of bogus speed trap (This is Southampton, 2/6/2005)
A source close to the investigation said Mr and Mrs Wright might be asked to remove the dummy device, depending on what the driver said when she was interviewed about the accident.
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