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UK Speed Camera Torched
Police have no leads in finding the individuals who torched a speed camera in Chessington, UK.

Chessington Camera
Police have no leads in finding the individuals who torched the speed camera (pictured) in Chessington, UK. The camera cost £32,000 ($60,000 U.S.).

Local residents expressed their approval for similar actions in 2001 after a motorist rammed a speed camera. Flowers were placed at the site, along with a large sign reading, "Missing you at 90 miles per hour."

Article Excerpt:
Speed cameras, which cost £32,000 to install, are always a contentious issue, and although LSCP research says 87 per cent of Londoners agree that cameras should be used to reduce casualties, several campaign groups vehemently oppose their installation. Action group Motorists Against Detection (MAD) have launched a campaign to destroy cameras, a stance attacked by organisations such as road safety charity Brake.
Source: Speed Camera Set On Fire (Kingston Guardian (UK), 2/17/2005)

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