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Niagara, Canada Skips Cameras Over Fatal Accident Concern
Niagara, Canada has rejected installation of red light cameras over fatal rear end accident concern.

Niagara, Canada
Are the rear end collisions caused by red light cameras merely taps on the bumper? Not according to a new study of the six Ontario, Canada municipalities that used red light cameras. The finding that rear end collisions that resulted in death increased by 5 percent where cameras were used in Ontario persuaded the city of Niagara, Canada to drop the idea of installing cameras. The study, to be presented to the city council on March 3, also showed that rear end collisions where property was damaged jumped 50 percent where cameras were used.

In 2003, Niagara had 29 traffic fatalities -- only one of which happened at a signalized intersection. Only 3.5 percent of their accidents at traffic signals were angle accidents, and not all of those were related to the red light. "But if the intent is to reduce fatalities, it's not where our problems occur," regional transportation director Joe Cousins said.

Local officials suggested the city's money would be better spent on an education campaign.

Article Excerpt:
Studies during a red-light camera pilot project in six Ontario municipalities in 2003 showed a 25 per cent drop in fatal angle -- or T-bone -- collisions. However, there was also a five per cent increase in rear-end collisions causing death and a 50 per cent increase in rear-end accidents causing property damage at corners with the cameras.
Source: No Big Brother on the corner (St. Catharines Standard (Canada), 2/23/2005)

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