High Point, NC Disconnects its Red Light CamerasIn light of a court ruling, High Point, North Carolina disconnects its red light cameras.

At midnight, the red light cameras in High Point, North Carolina will be officially disconnected. The city's contract with Peek Traffic has expired, and in light of a Guilford County Superior Court ruling, High Point has chosen not to continue the program.
The judge's February 15 ruling required the city to devote 90 percent of the proceeds from the camera program to the Guilford County school system to comply with a state constitutional requirement. High Point now owes the schools about $1.5 million from past camera revenue.
If the ruling is upheld, twelve other red light camera cities in North Carolina will likely shut down their programs as well.
Article Excerpt:
Peek Traffic officials said all of the equipment needed to run the red-light cameras will remain in place. Company officials said they would protect the equipment but declined to say how.Source: Red-light cameras turned off for now (Greensboro NC News and Record, 3/1/2005)
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