Australia: NSW Admits Another Faulty Speed CameraThe NSW, Australia camera ticketing buses for driving impossible speeds has been declared faulty.
The government in New South Wales, Australia admits that the camera responsible for giving tickets to buses for driving physically impossible speeds is indeed faulty. Twenty-six fines given to heavy vehicles will be dismissed.
The Roads and Traffic Authority claims that newly installed sensors were confused by the heavy buses, but tests had proven the device was accurate for smaller cars. If true, it's still not clear what effect a bus in one lane would have on the recorded speed of a car traveling in another lane.
Article Excerpt:
"The weight of the buses, combined with flexibility in the road surface associated with the uphill slope of the road, had resulted in a small shockwave travelling ahead of the buses to the camera's in-road sensors," an RTA statement said.Source: Fines withdrawn over faulty speed camera (03-03-2005) (Australian Associated Press, 3/3/2005)
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