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Judge Arrested After Trying to Talk Her Way Out of Ticket
D.C. judge who argues with cop over speeding ticket ends up in jail.

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Washington, D.C. Superior Court Judge Susan R. Winfield was arrested and taken into custody after she tried to talk her way out of a speeding ticket on Sunday.

At 11am Winfield was pulled over for doing 40 in a construction zone with a temporary 20 MPH speed limit. She got out of her car -- leaving her daughter behind -- to argue with the police officer who immediately instructed her to return to her vehicle. She refused, told the cop that she was a judge, and argued that she was only driving 30.

The officer handcuffed her for "failure to obey an order", which carries a $75 fine. Winfield has served 20 years in the courts and is a former assistant U.S. attorney.

Article Excerpt:
"My first thought was my daughter," [Judge Winfield] said. "I hate that she saw that, because you're supposed to be a role model. And then, of course, I was thinking about my job. You're not supposed to get arrested for anything."
Source: Judge Arrested Over Spat During Traffic Stop in NW (Washington Post, 3/8/2005)

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