NHTSA to Begin Speed Camera Campaign in JuneThe U.S. Department of Transportation will advertise speed cameras after a June meeting with camera companies.
The already announced speed camera promotional campaign from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will kick off in June after a meeting with companies that profit from camera enforcement. Department of Transportation officials are currently planning to endorse speed cameras after a summit with the National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running, a front group for ACS, Redflex and Nestor -- the companies which manufacture and operate red light and speed cameras.
Jonathan Adkins, spokesman for the Governors Highway Safety Association is promoting the upcoming summit as a way for state and local officials to increase revenue to meet budget targets.
Article Excerpt:
"This is a tough one because the public is not with us. They don't see that high speed increases the chance they're going to die," said Adkins, of the Governors Highway Safety Association. Part of the problem, he said, is that speeding was neglected for years by highway safety programs in favor of seat belt use and drunken-driving prevention.Source: Maine police hope to pit technology against increasingly rash speeders (Portland Press Herald, 3/20/2005)
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