UAE: Jail Time for Red Light ViolationsUnited Arab Emirates uses imprisonment for traffic violations.

Drivers accused of running a red light by a camera in the United Arab Emirates could face jail time. A 1995 law sets the penalty at up to six months in prison and a 3,000 dirhams fine ($816 US). Police can also seize a vehicle for one week on the first offense, and for longer periods on subsequent offenses. Generally, imprisonment is reserved for flagrant violations that cause an accident.
"A traffic court judge is the final authority that decides whether or not a motorist involved in such a violation should be imprisoned," said Brigadier Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, the Director of Dubai Traffic Police Department.
The UAE has a network of 20 red light and speed cameras. At least six individuals have been jailed for running a red light.
Article Excerpt:
The Federal Traffic Law of 1995 governs traffic matters including imprisonment issues. Article No. 53 states a motorist involved in reckless driving or who drives at excessive speed that poses dangers to others shall be given a jail sentence up to six months and a fine of not more than Dh3,000. Article 57 of the same law further explains the penalties.Source: All red signal violators will not be jailed (Khaleej Times (UAE), 3/25/2005)
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