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Canada: Man Challenges Non-Bilingual Ticket
Winnipeg man challenges speed camera tickets on the grounds that they are not fully bilingual.

Winnipeg Police Service
Renald Remillard is challenging a pair of photo radar tickets because they violate a Winnipeg city language law. Although most of the ticket is in both English and French, the particular details such as speed and date are in English only. According to the City of Winnipeg Charter Act, "All notices, statements of account, certificates, demands in writing and other documents sent or given by the city to persons resident in the designated area shall be in both official languages." The community in which Remillard lives is a "designated area."

Remillard has argued his case both for himself and five fellow residents. A decision is expected in May.

Article Excerpt:
"It has nothing to do with not paying a ticket. It's a question of principle. The City of Winnipeg has an obligation here. It's just a question of promoting the official language minority communities across the country. The bylaw is intended to normalize French in the Riel district," Remillard said.
Source: Ticket can't stick? (Winnipeg Sun, 3/28/2005)

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