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Washington State Approves Stricter Emission Standards
Washington state legislature votes to raise car prices $1000 to $3000 by adopting California emissions.

California fires satellite photo
The Washington State House and Senate have both separately approved legislation to adopt California's strict emission standards beginning in 2009, which will raise the price of an average car by $1000 to $3000. Differences between the bills passed by both chambers must be ironed out before being sent to the governor. Among the contested provisions are prohibitions on buying cars from other nearby states that don't meet the standard and deletion of California's requirement that 10 percent of cars be "zero-emission" vehicles. The legislation would put the burden on manufacturers to sell cars with smaller engines and redesigned components within the state. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers says consumers will see little environmental benefit from the additional $3000 they will be paying.

The Senate passed the bill Wednesday night 29-19. Last month's House vote was 53-42. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Rhode Island have also adopted California emission standards.

Article Excerpt:
"This is the Kyoto treaty come to Washington," complained Sen. Val Stevens, R-Arlington, referring to the international treaty on global warming. "This is an attempt to turn Washington into another California ... and will have a chilling effect on the economy."
Source: Senate approves much tighter auto-emission standards (Associated Press, 4/14/2005)

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