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Wales: 70% Increase in Camera Tickets, 20% More Deaths
North Wales sees dramatic spike in speed camera tickets and a higher death toll.

From March 2004 to March 2005 the number of speed camera tickets issued in North Wales jumped seventy percent -- producing £360,000 (US $690,000) in monthly revenue. Despite the sharp increase, the overall death toll on northern Welsh roads last year rose 20 percent -- 59 fatal accidents in 2004 compared to 49 in 2003. For the entire year, the speed camera program generated £3.4 million (US $6.5 million) in revenue in 2004. Even examining only those roads with speed cameras show that there was no decrease in the death toll where the devices were used. North Wales officials denied the program is about making money.

Key Statistic:
Last year, 59 people were killed in north Wales, compared to 49 in 2003. However, on those roads with speed cameras, the number of fatalities remained at 12 in each year.

Article Excerpt:
However, Ian Glass from People For Proper Policing said the scheme was "a self-funding bureaucracy" and was "pure revenue-building". The retired Denbighshire man said Arrive Alive was not working. "In north Wales, despite their campaign the deaths have gone up," he said. "The police cars are not out there pulling people for bad driving," he added.
Source: Speed camera fines show 70% rise (BBC (UK), 4/25/2005)

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