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Repeated Attacks: UK Speed Cameras Torched, Defaced
Warwickshire camera that had been cut down once before is burned, Oldham camera is spray-painted once again.

Sprayed camera
A speed camera in Warwickshire on A5 Watling Street was set on fire around 2:30 a.m. this morning with burning tires. Officials estimate the damage at £ 38,000. The same camera had been cut down with an angle grinder in 2003 by Martin James O'Callaghan. O'Callaghan pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay a fine of £4,000 and perform 120 hours of community service.

This weekend, a camera at Featherstall Road in Oldham was sprayed with silver paint, rendering the camera useless. The word "dummy" was also scrawled across the face of the device. Similar attacks have been frequent in the area, usually happening right after the cameras are repaired.

Article Excerpt:
The cameras are owned and operated by Drivesafe, which spends £250,000 on installing and maintaining them every year.
Source: Look who's struck again! (Oldham Advertiser (UK), 5/11/2005)

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