Ohio Red Light Camera Sign Creates Sticky SituationA trucker who panic-braked after seeing a red light camera warning sign created a massive syrup spill in Middletown, Ohio.

A truck spilled gallons of corn syrup yesterday at the intersection of Yankee Road and Verity in Middletown, Ohio after its driver, Todd Hellrigel, panic-braked after seeing a red light camera sign. He wanted to avoid being ticketed.
"If I get too many of them it can really hurt me as a truck driver," Hellrigel told the Middletown Journal News. "I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to take a chance."
The sudden stop popped open the seal on the top of the trailer causing 4,500 gallons of corn syrup to begin spilling on the road, which had no red light camera -- just the sign. It took most of the day to clear the sticky substance from the intersection. Police did not cite Hellrigel who said that he was not speeding.