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Scotland: Meter Maids Given Radar Guns
Edinburgh, Scotland meter maids will now impound cars and issue speeding warnings.

Super meter maids
Elite meter maids in Scotland's capital city will be armed with radar guns and have the power to impound automobiles. These functions traditionally have only been allowed to Edinburgh's trained police force. Now, the newly dubbed "Traffic Support Wardens" will use their speed measuring guns to issue warning notices to motorists. In "extreme" cases they can report a vehicle to the procurator fiscal for punishment.

In addition, the meter maids are empowered to tow away vehicles that are double-parked, charging £105 to return the car. Officials also announced that all area meter maids will be armed with rulers, ticketing anyone parked more than 12 inches from the curb.

Article Excerpt:
Traffic branch commander Superintendent Colin McNeill said: ..."Our existing greenway wardens have embraced our proposals, willingly volunteered and now look forward to their new tasks."
Source: 'Super wardens' have their sights on speeders (The Scotsman (UK), 7/15/2005)

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