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UK: $1775 Fine for Ignoring the Lollipop Lady
Hertfordshire County, UK expects to issue several 1000 pound tickets to motorists who ignore the lollipop lady.

Lollipop lady
Ignoring the lollipop lady, or school crossing guard, is a £1000 (US $1775) offense that also carries three penalty points in the UK. Hertfordshire County Council has launched a reinvigorated effort to issue these tickets after motorists reportedly revved their engines at children crossing the street in order to encourage them to move faster.

Officials claim that such "aggressive driving" has caused a thirty percent shortage in the number of lollipop ladies. Hertfordshire's effort also includes displaying, "School Crossing Patrols, Stop! It's the law" messages on two hundred county vehicles.

Article Excerpt:
Councillor Stuart Pile, executive member for transportation and the environment, said: "We were appalled to learn from a recent survey that many drivers are unaware that it is illegal to ignore school crossing patrol requests to stop. Most of them had no idea that flouting this law not only puts young lives at risk but could also hit them hard in the pocket and lead to them losing their driving licences.
Source: 1000 - the price for ignoring lollipops (Welwyn and Hatfield Times (UK), 11/2/2005)

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