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Oklahoma: Veteran Cops Challenge Ticket Quota
Veteran Oklahoma City, Oklahoma police officers file a lawsuit challenging the city's monthly ticket quota.

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Two twenty-year veterans of the Oklahoma City police force filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging the department's ticket policy as an illegal quota. Jim Duncan and Floyd Sonny Bradford contend that they were required to write 25 citations a month when running radar and 20 when not.

"(This policy) has caused each plaintiff to be perceived as a slacker, incompetent and lazy, yet to the general public it makes officers appear to be predators on the citizenry, giving out tickets for ludicrous violations in order to get money from the citizens using the city streets," the lawsuit states.

Police officials defend the policy as part of an "activity tracking system" that is not a quota.

"Police officers are expected to enforce traffic laws, but there is no quota on traffic citations or any other category monitored by our tracking system," police Captain Jeffrey Becker told The Oklahoman.

Article Excerpt:
"If you're in a situation where you haven't met your quota you're going to be subjected to discipline," said Mike Gassaway, the plaintiffs' attorney. "It creates a predatory system."
Source: Officers fault police-ticket quotas (The Oklahoman, 1/11/2006)

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