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Canada: Trailer Owner Gets Speed Camera Ticket
The owner of a snowmobile trailer received a speed camera ticket for an offense he did not commit.

Pete St. Laurent
A Winnipeg, Canada speed camera mailed a $135 CAD ticket to the owner of a snowmobile trailer, claiming the unpowered hauling device was traveling 77 km/h (45 MPH) in a 60 zone near Club Regent during the Christmas holiday.

Pete St. Laurent, a self-employed truck driver, had loaned his trailer to his brother-in-law and is now stuck with the ticket even though he was driving neither the trailer nor the truck pulling the trailer. As a result, St. Laurent is going to be less generous next Christmas.

"The police told me if I get a ticket it's up to me to go after him for it," St. Laurent told the Winnipeg Sun. "Now that I know this can happen I don't want the headache of going through this."

Source: Ticket troubles (Winnipeg Sun (Canada), 1/27/2006)

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