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Lawrence, Kansas Enforces Work Zone Limits Without Work
Hundreds of work zone speeding tickets are being issued on a Lawrence, Kansas road that has no workers.

Lawrence, Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas police enforcing a temporarily lowered "work zone" speed limit on a road where there is no work being done nor will there be any construction for several months. With the project nearly complete, road-widening crews have shut down until spring along West Sixth Street near Wakarusa Drive. Lana Nobo-Garcia, 27, was stopped for driving 50 MPH in this "work zone" which now has a 40 MPH limit.

"There's not an orange cone there. There's no trucks, no bulldozers, nothing," Nobo-Garcia told the Lawrence Journal-World. "I feel like I got bamboozled."

Since July, police have issued 1070 speeding tickets on the road with more than a third of them, 359, being issued last month -- long after the work crews had left for the winter. Kansas Department of Transportation spokesman Joe Blubaugh said the lowered work zone speed limit would stay until May when crews return to paint stripes on the road.

Source: New speed limits will stay (Lawrence Journal-World (KS), 2/14/2006)

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