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UK: Surrey Speed Camera Burned
A burning tire damages a speed camera in Surrey, UK.

Captain Gatso mask
A speed camera on Reigate Road near Banstead, UK was set on fire last Wednesday with a burning tire. Surrey officials say only the ticketing machine suffered only minor damage, unlike three previous attacks in the area. In July 2005, a camera on the A24 Mickleham was torched and two others on the A217 were destroyed in December.

Captain Gatso, leader of Motorists Against Detection(MAD), claimed responsibility for recent attacks on cameras in Flax Bourton and at Cleeve on behalf of his 300 member group. Captain Gatso conceals his identity by wearing a Tony Blair mask (pictured).

"It is a highly structured campaign," he told the Western Daily Mail. "We are not silly boy racers, we are grown people, some family men even, in responsible jobs, that don't want to get caught, and won't be caught. This is not just willy-nilly vandalism."

Source: SNAPPING AWAY AT AUTHORITY ON SPEED CAM ALLEY (Western Daily Press (UK), 2/17/2006)

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