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Michigan: Southfield Police Propose Ticket Quota
Southfield, Michigan police chief and union fight over a proposed ticket quota.

Southfield Police
Police officials in the city of Southfield, Michigan are preparing a system that will require police to issue more traffic citations to help cover a $3 million deficit in the city budget. Union officials have filed suit calling it a ticket quota, but Police Chief Joseph Thomas believes writing tickets is a primary duty for police.

In rejecting the term "quota," Thomas told the Detroit Free Press that, "What it does, it reminds officers why they became police officers."

Southfield Police Officers Association President Mark Zacks disagrees. "It takes away discretion," he told the Detroit Free Press. "Quotas are a fear for me driving the street. It's a fear for everybody and it's not good business."

According to the National Motorists Association Speed Trap Registry, Southfield is a known speed trap and hidden officers on or near highways ready to issue citations.

Source: Southfield police may start ticket quotas (Detroit Free Press, 3/28/2006)

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