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UK: Resort Town Speed Camera Bursts Into Flame
Motorists Against Detection are believed to have eliminated another speed camera near the A370 in North Somerset, UK.

A speed camera burst into flames in the English seaside resort town of Weston-super-Mare in North Somerset on Friday at 6:15am. The camera was located in Worle on the main road to Weston and the M5. Avon Fire and Rescue Service is attempting to locate the person responsible for the blaze, but the group Motorists Against Detection (MAD) has claimed responsibility for prior attacks along the A370 including a camera in Cleeve that burned in January and an attack involving a mechanical digger in Flax Bourton.

Most recently, on April 4 a speed camera near Axbridge on the A38 at Rocksbridge was destroyed by fire.

Source: SPEED CAMERA GANG BURNS UP ANOTHER 30K (Bristol Evening Post (UK), 4/16/2006)

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