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UK: Birmingham Speed Camera Torched
A speed camera in Birmingham, UK was set on fire with a burning tire.

A burning tire set a West Midlands, UK speed camera on fire at around 6am on Monday. Firefighters arrived at the Commonside location in Brierley Hillon and quickly extinguished the flames.

Prior attacks in the Birmingham area include a December 2005 burning tire assault on a ticket camera at Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield. In October, a camera at A4091 at Wishaw, near Sutton Coldfield burned and one on Collector Road, near Smith's Wood was torn down. In July 2004, activists with the group Motorists Against Detection (MAD) pulled a camera located on Lee-bank Middleway out of the ground, rotated it, and reinserted the device so that it was facing the wrong direction.

Source: Vandals firebomb speed camera (Birmingham Evening Mail (UK), 4/19/2006)

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