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Speed Camera Causes Accident That Destroys Speed Camera
Intentional and unintentional acts have destroyed several speed cameras in Australia and the UK.

HSV Maloo
Intentional and unintentional acts have destroyed several speed cameras in Australia and the UK.

A twenty-year-old man in Gosnells, a suburb of Perth in Western Australia, found himself in an accident caused by the presence of a camera on Monday at 9am. Behind the wheel of an HSV Maloo sport utility vehicle, the man was surprised when another motorist in a Nissan Pintara jammed on his brakes after noticing an upcoming speed camera. This forced the Gosnells man also to slam on the brakes, causing him to skid off the road and slam into the camera on the Tonkin Highway.

On June 1 in the North Somerset, UK town of Weston-super-Mare, the anti-speed camera group Motorists Against Detection claimed responsibility for setting a speed camera on fire on the A370 at Hewish. Firefighters extinguished the blaze around 1:30am before permanent damage was done. Another camera in Lincoln was set on fire around the same time.

Source: We Hear (West Australian (Australia), 6/13/2006)

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