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St. Paul, Minnesota Parking Ticket Quota Confirmed in Memo
A police department memo threatens to discipline meter maids who fail to issue 55 parking tickets every day.

Quota memo
A memo from the Saint Paul, Minnesota police department threatens that meter maids will be "disciplined" if they fail to issue fifty-five parking tickets each day.

"Be aware that the 55 violations will be one of the standards that satisfactory performance is measured by," the memo, obtained by the Saint Paul Pioneer Press newspaper, stated. "Failure to perform in a satisfactory manner may result in implementation of a performance improvement plan. Failure to respond to performance improvement is cause for discipline."

The memo also explains that meter maids who carry over the quota mentality are more likely to become police officers. "The position of Parking Enforcement Officer is considered a promotional step toward becoming a sworn peace officer," it stated. "In that regards, satisfactory performance in your required duties here is one indication of your performance as an officer."

Explicit ticket quotas are a violation of Minnesota state law only if a full police officer issues the ticket. A copy of the memo dated December 12, 2005 is available in a 115k PDF file at the source link below.

Source: PDF File Inter-office Communication: Tagging (City of Saint Paul, Department of Police, 7/7/2006)

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