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Mississippi: Woman Charged $1000 to Retrieve Missing Car
Jackson, Mississippi wants to charge a woman $1000 to retrieve her car after the city held it for months without telling her.

1997 Altima
Debbie Moore wants the 1997 Nissan Altima that she reported missing months ago back. She only recently found out where it has been all this time -- the Jackson, Mississippi city impound lot --, but the city won't give it to her unless she hands over $1000 in "storage fees" that accrued for four months while the city held the car without informing Moore that they had it.

"This is ridiculous," Moore told The Clarion-Ledger newspaper. "It's just horrible. I haven't had the car a year. I'm a waitress; I can't afford to pay nearly $1,000."

On March 27, Moore had loaned the car to a friend's nephew who never returned the car. Instead of considering this a case of auto theft, police classified it as embezzlement, which allowed them to demand the impounding fees. Moore has also had to pay for another car, a 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier, to replace the one held by Jackson.

Source: Vehicle reported missing racks up impound fees (The Clarion-Ledger (MS), 9/10/2006)

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