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UK: Record Accidents Despite Record Number of Cameras
Lancashire, UK road accidents increased despite the record number of speed cameras used in the area.

Lancashire roads
Serious road accidents in Lancashire, UK are at the highest level they have been since 1999, and minor accidents are at the highest level since 2001 despite a record number speed cameras -- 293 -- that have been deployed across the region.

In 2005, there were 912 serious and fatal injury accidents -- a nearly three percent rise from 2004 and greater than the number of accidents in 2000 when only 70 speed cameras were operational. Minor injuries jumped 4.6 percent during the same period.

In response, the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety announced it will add even more automated ticketing machines to area roads.

Nigel Evans, a conservative Member of Parliament told the Lancashire Telegraph that, "The speed camera policy has been proven not to work. The policy of littering the country with speed cameras does not work."

Source: Road Accidents Hit Fiveyear High Despite Speed Cameras (Lancashire Telegraph (UK), 10/9/2006)

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