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Uganda: Police Seize Government Cars
Police in Uganda have seized official vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Health.

Uganda Ministry of Health
Police in Kampala, Uganda on Tuesday seized eighty government vehicles, accusing Ministry of Health officials of driving them for unauthorized personal errands over the weekend. The Ministry's Permanent Secretary authorized the seizures as a means of enforcing government policy. Many of the 3000 ministry cars had been seen in questionable locations including outside late-night bars, weddings and other occasions unlikely to be work related.

"If those vehicles have to move on holidays, they should have a movement order signed by the permanent secretary," Acting Police Commissioner Steven Kasiiima told The Daily Monitor newspaper. "Even when moving at night, they should have that order."

Several of the seized vehicles belonged not to the Ministry of Health, but non-governmental organizations affiliated with the Ministry. Uganda spends Shs54 billion (US $29 million) to maintain and fuel 11,000 official vehicles each year.

Source: Police Impound 80 Govt Cars (Daily Monitor (Uganda), 10/26/2006)

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