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Australia: Speed Cameras Cause Distrust of Police
Speed cameras are driving motorists increasingly to distrust the motives and effectiveness of police in Victoria, Australia.

Victoria Police
Speed cameras and corruption are causing a lack of confidence in the police force in Victoria, Australia according to the Herald Sun Issues 2006 survey. The poll found 65 percent of the more than 20,000 readers who responded did not believe that cameras had a positive effect on road safety. More than 80 percent believed speed cameras were primarily a revenue raising measure.

Last July, for example, 72 motorists received photo tickets for driving under the posted speed limit. A month before that, the government refunded A$180,000 to 1130 innocent motorists who had wrongly been issued camera tickets.

As a result of these missteps, trust in the police fell from 71 percent last year to 66 percent this year. Among 18-24 year olds, nearly half distrusted police.

Source: Police force losing trust (Herald Sun (Australia), 1/3/2007)

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