Utah: Police to Fire Ticket Quota CriticAn Ogden, Utah police officer will be fired for speaking out against a ticket quota on his own time.

Ogden, Utah Police Chief Jon Greiner will decide the fate of a cop who used his own free time to speak out against a ticket quota. Already, a Greiner aide, Assistant Chief Wayne Tarwater, has issued a formal recommendation that officer Matt Jones be fired. Tarwater also put Jones on unpaid leave.
On July 27 last year, Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey saw Officer Matt Jones' wife driving a rented truck with a sign reading, "Welcome to Ogden City home of Godfrey's Ticket Quota." Godfrey called Chief Grenier and hours later, Jones was suspended.
"Chief Greiner stated that the van incident and Mayor Godfrey's involvement had nothing to do with his decision," Weber County Attorney Mark R. DeCaria wrote in his investigation of the incident. "Chief Greiner stated that he decided to place Officer Jones on leave earlier in the day on July 27th but forgot to make the request to the duty lieutenant before he went home."
DeCaria's report found no evidence substantiating the charges against Jones. To pay for a new city justice court, Godfrey helped the city council enact a program that nearly guaranteed a raise to any traffic officers who doubled the number of tickets they wrote.