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Canada: Sick Woman Abandoned in Freezing Impound Lot
Towing company in Vancouver, Canada abandons a sick, elderly woman inside her car overnight.

Busters Towing
A sick, 85-year-old woman was inside her 1996 Toyota sedan as it was hauled away to an impound lot at 8pm on Wednesday in Vancouver, Canada. The woman was left in freezing temperatures overnight until the towing company noticed at 5:30am the next morning that she had been in the front seat and required immediate medical attention.

The woman had apparently pulled over in a no-stopping zone while suffering from an undisclosed medical problem. The towing company snatched the car without looking inside first.

Although the woman's son had reported her missing to police at 3:15pm that day, police were never informed of the towing because the company's policy is to hold off on making the report, keeping cars overnight to generate storage fees. As a result, impound workers waited until the next morning to scrape the ice from the window to document the vehicle identification number for a police report. After doing so, the worker noticed the woman in the front seat.

"I don't believe we're at fault," Ron Wood, owner of Buster's Towing, told the Vancouver Sun newspaper.

The woman is reported in grave condition at the hospital.

Source: Towed car held helpless woman (Vancouver Sun (Canada), 2/2/2007)

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