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UK: Speed Camera Burned, Then Burned Again
London, UK speed camera burned twice within one hour.

London firefighters
London, UK vigilantes were so intent on destroying a speed camera yesterday that they set fire to it twice. At 7:27pm firefighters arrived at Midfield Way and Chipperfield Road in Saint Paul's Cray in the Borough of Bromley to extinguish the device which had been set on fire by a pair of gasoline-filled tires. The firefighters completed their job and left the tires as evidence for police.

Before investigators arrived, the vigilantes reused the same tires to set the camera alight once more. Sidcup firefighters returned at 8:24pm to extinguish the second blaze.

Source: Speed Camera Attacked Twice In A Night (News Shopper (London, UK), 2/13/2007)

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