Cleveland, Ohio Red Light Cameras Increase AccidentsAccidents increase 40 percent at intersections with red light cameras in Cleveland, Ohio.

Accidents are increasing at the seven intersections monitored by red light cameras in Cleveland, Ohio. According to statistics obtained by WEWS-TV, the photo enforced intersections experienced 28 collisions before the devices were installed compared to 39 afterward. Akron attorney Warner Mendenhall, who is arguing against traffic cameras before the Ohio Supreme Court, told WEWS that the results reflect the program's true motivation.
"It's very clear that safety is not the issue," Mendenhall said. "There are studies throughout the country that show accidents actually increase." (View studies)
Cleveland Results: Number of Collisions at Monitored Intersections
Intersection Before After Clifton Boulevard and West 11th Street 2 6 Clifton Boulevard and West 104th Street 0 3 Chester Avenue and East 55th Street 15 20 St. Clair Avenue and London Road 2 1 Lakeshore and East 159th Street 1 0
East Cleveland Mayor Eric J. Brewer defended the use of speed cameras in his city in an email to WEWS. "Like other cities, East Cleveland is identifying ways to raise money to cover the cost of damaged city property caused by motorists speeding through the city and crashing into street lights, electric poles, traffic signals, homes, barriers and more," Brewer wrote.