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UK: Towing Company Holds Ferrari Hostage
A towing company placed a boot on a Ferrari parked at its London, UK home in the hopes of seizing the vehicle.

1992 Ferrari 348
A private UK towing and parking ticket company is attempting to seize a Croydon, London man's Ferrari while it is legally parked in a space that he owns. Parking Control Services last Tuesday put a boot on the 1992 Ferrari 348TS belonging to Dean Davis, 37, because the vehicle did not display a resident parking permit.

"What is so ridiculous about this is that the company told me they recognized my car and saw that I didn't have a permit and clamped me," Davis told the Croydon Guardian newspaper. "If they recognized the car then why did they bother?"

Davis' residence ownership agreement gave him legal title to the parking space, but after his parking permit became damaged he had to request a new one. That was when the Parking Control Services insisted that Davis pay £465 (US $900) in fees and fines for illegally parking in the space that he owns.

The company intends to seize and auction the car if Davis does not pay within 28 days. Davis refuses to give in and intends to fight the company in court.

Source: Ferrari Furore At Fine (Croydon Guardian (UK), 3/4/2007)

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