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UK: Cab Driver Gets Speed Camera Ticket During Assault
Police let passenger who attacks cab driver go free while the driver is issued an automated $165 ticket.

A Lancashire, UK cab driver received a speed camera ticket after a passenger in the rear seat began assaulting him. In the early morning on October 8, John Anthony, 40, drove 38 MPH in the 30 MPH zone on Fox Lane in Leyland desperately seeking help from a taxi office located nearby. An abusive passenger kicked and threatened to "bite his ear off" as he drove.

"How, under the circumstances, was I even to think of the speed camera -- let alone slow down for it?" Anthony told the Lancashire Evening Post newspaper. "I defy the person that made the decision to stand under the same pressure as I was at the time."

Police called to the scene at the taxi office let the offending passenger go with a warning. Anthony, on the other hand, is being forced to pay £85 (US $165) and attend a "speed awareness course" to avoid having three points placed on his license. A Lancashire police official refused to drop charges against Anthony, writing, "Whilst I understand your situation at the time of the offense it does not excuse the offense of speeding and the notice stands."

Anthony is scheduled to appeal the decision in court on April 5.

Source: Attacked taxi driver gets speeding fine (Lancashire Evening Post (UK), 3/26/2007)

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