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Brooksville, Florida Backs of on Home Seizures for Parking Tickets
Brooksville, Florida decides against seizing homes for parking violations after intense public opposition.

Hernando County Government Center
Following intense public criticism, the Brooksville, Florida city council voted Monday to scale back its proposal to place a lien on the home of anyone who failed to pay $5 parking ticket (read original proposal). Irate residents had called the mayor, council members and city attorney terms such as "Nazi," "communist" and "redneck." The council asked staff to come up with new options.

"We have no way now to enforce a city parking violation," City Attorney David LaCroix said, as reported in the St. Petersburg Times.

Instead, the city will explore options on seizing or booting vehicles for small amounts of unpaid parking tickets. The mayor reportedly blamed Hernando County employees for flouting parking rules near the government center.

Source: Hernando: No liens to curb parking violators (St Petersburg Times (FL), 4/3/2007)

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