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Scotland: Speed Camera Torched
Ongoing attacks on speed cameras in Scotland claimed another device last week.

Vigilantes set fire to a speed camera in Aberdeen, Scotland as part of an ongoing campaign to eliminate their use. On September 9 at 4am a passerby reported that the ticketing device located on the A96 at Marshall Trailers was engulfed in flames. Grampian Fire and Rescue Service extinguished the flames in an attempt to save the £30,000 (US $60,000) device. Police have no suspects.

A camera at the same location had been damaged in June 2004 -- one of many attacks on the area's automated ticketing machines. In October 2006, vigilantes used a burning tire to destroy a speed camera on Great Northern Road near Woodside's Queen Street. In 2005, the same fate befell a camera on the A90 Peterhead to Fraserburgh Road. In June 2004, a camera on the A96 on Auchmill Road in Bucksburn suffered damage.

Source: SPEEDER BLAMED FOR SETTING FIRE TO 30K ROAD SAFETY CAMERA (Aberdeen Evening Express (UK), 9/10/2007)

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