Georgia: Speed Trap Caught Using Ticket QuotasPolice operate speed traps in DeKalb, Georgia to meet a specific traffic ticket quota.

A local television station has uncovered evidence that a notorious Georgia speed trap has been using traffic ticket quotas. WGCL-TV reports that DeKalb County Police officers are told during roll call that they must issue 65 citations a month and make 25 arrests. Those on traffic duty must issue a minimum of 150 citations a month and make 11 arrests.
Inside sources told the station that Police Chief Terrell Bolton instituted the "Guided Achievement Plan" because ticket numbers, and therefore revenue, is down from last year. Although police union head Malik Douglas confirmed the existence of a quota, police spokesman Mekka Parish said "there is no quota."
The SpeedTrap Exchange documents excessive ticketing throughout the county, especially on Interstates 85 and 285.
"You won't get a warning," one commenter explained.
Unlike in many states, ticket quotas are not illegal in Georgia.