Indiana City Introduces Ticket QuotasShelbyville, Indiana boosts local revenue by creating a new traffic ticket quota.

Shelbyville, Indiana Police Chief Bill Elliott on Tuesday introduced a traffic ticket quota to boost the number of expensive citations issued by his forty-one full-time police officers. Under the new program, officers receive a certain number of "points" for issuing different types of tickets and any officer who fails to generate thirty points each month (eighteen work days) will receive an unfavorable job evaluation, possibly affecting the officer's chance of receiving a raise.
"At any place you work these days, you have minimum requirements and expectations," Elliott told the Shelbyville News. "Officers will have to earn 1.67 points per working day to attain their required standards."
Already, the plan has had an effect. Officers wrote 25 citations, mostly for failure to wear a seatbelt, on Tuesday, the day that the quota took effect. The previous day, only 9 citations were issued, according to police documents. The department also names an "Officer of the month" based on who issues the most tickets or makes the most arrests without incurring a "valid" complaint from a member of the public.