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Speed Cameras Under Assault in Arizona, Australia and UAE
Arab speed camera operator shot while photo radar vehicles in Arizona and Australia are pelted with rocks.

shattered glass
Vigilantes this week pelted speed camera vehicles in Arizona and Australia with rocks while a speed camera operator in the United Arab Emirates was shot. In South Australia, motorists routinely hurl rocks at manned speed camera vehicles. On Wednesday, South Australian police officials announced that they would use this as an excuse to remove signs that give warning to motorists in advance of speed trap locations. The Public Service Association (PSA) union had even threatened to strike over the issue of signs, potentially depriving the state of revenue from the 24,000 tickets issued each month. PSA Industrial Officer Ted Szarek met with state officials on July 3.

"The PSA stated that members were frustrated with the long delay and that if no progress is made soon PSA members may consider work bans/limitations," the union said in a statement issued after the meeting.

In Arizona, an unmanned speed camera SUV had its rear window shattered Wednesday morning while ticketing motorists on Interstate 10 in Tonopah. A state Department of Public Safety spokesman told KNXV-TV that "heat" may have been the reason the window spontaneously broke into pieces.

In Dubai, a traffic camera operator was shot in the left leg last Monday at 4am. Nasser Nour Abdullah, 32, had been setting up an automated speed trap on Al Ittihad Road, near Sahara Mall. Sharjah Police told The National newspaper that they were operating on the assumption that the shooting was intentional. Abdullah was treated at Al Qassimi Hospital.

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