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France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Exploited, Distrusted
French vigilantes spray speed camera for Charlie Hebdo, German company uses one in PR stunt, Italian national police investigate inaccuracy.

Stephanie Dietel
Vigilantes in France sided with free speech last week by attacking a speed camera in Noroy-le-Bourg. According to Est Republicain, the automated ticketing machine on the D9 had its lens covered with pink spraypaint, and the message, "Je suis Charlie" was painted on its side. The phrase expresses solidarity with the newspaper Charlie Hebdo which was attacked by Islamic terrorists on January 7.

In Irfersgrun, Germany, a speed camera was used for a publicity stunt on Tuesday to promote Irfersgruner Carneval-Verein (ICV), which is hosting a festival on November 14. The company attached a poster of dancer Stephanie Dietel to the camera pole while Dietel herself waved and blew kisses to motorists passing the automated ticketing machine, which has proved to be the area's most profitable.

In Treviso, Italy, the local police found themselves in hot water after being accused of tampering with speed cameras. On June 23, a lawyer contesting a ticket convinced Judge Valerio Chiozzi to have the carabinieri investigate. An expert found evidence that the accuracy of the devices was compromised, Blitz Quotidiano reported.

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