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Burned speed camera in France
German Man Arrested For Insulting Speed Camera Crew, More French Cameras Burn
Attacks on speed cameras in France in Italy continued last week as German officials arrested a man for flipping off a speed camera.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports In Nuremberg, Germany, a thirty-five-year-old man was forcibly arrested for flipping off the driver of a mobile speed camera car on Gibitzenhofstrasse on Wednesday. The man yelled insults at the speed camera employee, who called police. The officers took the man away in handcuffs, accusing him of being drunk. The man did not take a breath test. In Denney, France, fluorescent yellow spraypaint read more >> 

Decorated French speed camera
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Reduced
German authorities admitted a speed camera caused an accident, while French officials are expecting boosted photo radar profit. Italian cameras were beheaded last week.

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Burned French speed camera, April 2023
Speed Cameras Subverted In France, Germany, Italy
More than ten European speed cameras were removed from service last week by fire, gunfire, paint, stickers and kicks.

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Spraypainted Canadian speed camera
Canada, France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Smashed
A half-dozen speed cameras were knocked out of commission last week in Canada, France, Germany and Italy.

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Stranded Australian speed camera
Australia, France, Germany, UK Speed Cameras Rendered Useless
More than a dozen speed cameras were taken out in Australia, France, Germany and England last week.

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