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Blocking a speed camera van inWales
Speed Camera Blocking On The Rise Worldwide
Speed camera blocking on the rise in Wales and Australia, while cameras were rammed and blinded in France and Germany last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports Opponents of automated ticketing in Australia and the UK are taking to the streets to protect fellow motorists from being trapped by mobile speed camera vans. The TikTok user speedingticketsuk last week posted a video of a man who parked his own van in front of a GanBwyll Gosafe speed camera van in Wales. The man stood smiling as he deprived the photo radar device of the clear view of the road it needed to operate (read more >> 

Spraypainted Canadian camera
Speed Cameras Toppled And Torched In Canada, Germany, Italy
A half-dozen automated ticketing machines were knocked out of service in Canada, Germany and Italy last week.

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Emil Jones III
Powerful Illinois Politician Responds To Photo Enforcement Bribery Charge
Illinois State Senator Emil Jones III entered a not guilty plea Friday to charges he took bribes from the co-founder of red light camera company Safespeed.

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Flipped Smart car
Italian Camera Traps Driver, German Speed Cameras Torched
A red light camera failed to prevent an accident last week as German vigilantes set fire to a pair of speed cameras.

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Trashed Belgian speed camera
Spraypaint And Gunfire Defeats Speed Cameras In Belgium, France, Italy
White spraypaint takes out three French speed cameras, a saw and a gun disabled two Italian cameras and a Belgian camera was rammed last week.

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