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German speed camera burns
Speed Cameras Smashed, Slashed, Scorched In Australia, France, Germany, UK
European vigilantes took out a handful of speed cameras last week, while an Australian camera contributed to accidents.

Police in Wilmslow, England, expressed annoyance Saturday after an unknown vigilante slashed the tire of a Peugeot police car used to create a speed camera trap. "If you have concerns about the use of a speed camera, talk to us about it," Wilmslow Officer Evan Morris wrote on Twitter. "Slashing the tire of a police car only stretches a busy service and leaves taxpayers with an unnecessary bill." An Australian red light camera failed to prevent an accident on Tuesday. The incident began wh ...

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Speed camera blocker
Thwarting Of Speed Cameras Continues In France, Italy, UK
A handful of speed cameras were blocked or disabled last week across Europe.

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Italian speed camera knocked down
Photo Radar Triggering Accidents, Opposition Worldwide
Speed cameras were destroyed by accidents they failed to prevent in the UK as well as vigilante action worldwide last week.

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Spraypainted Italian speed camera
Australia, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Blocked And Burned
Opponents of automated ticketing thwarted the use of speed cameras in a handful of ways last week in Australia and Europe.

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Smashed photo radar car in Germany
Speed Camera Triggers Police Shooting In Germany, Attacks Worldwide
A speed camera triggers a shootout in Germany, a massive accident in Italy and various attacks in New Mexico, Australia, Belgium, France and Italy.

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