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Speed camera cut down
France, Germany: Photo Radar Units Disabled
Spraypaint and saws were used to take down photo radar devices in France and Germany last week.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports Vigilantes in La Neuvelle-les-Scey​, France, on Sunday cut down the the pole-mounted "turret" speed camera on the RN19, dumping the device in a field on the side of the road. On Saturday, the turret speed camera on the RD50 in Pont-les-Moulins was read more >> 

Alexander Maxwell
Ohio Supreme Court Repels Law School Graduate Attack On Speed Cameras
Ohio Supreme Court justices decline to stop the village of Brice from issuing photo radar tickets that cannot be enforced.

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Burned speed camera in France
Speed Camera Sabotage Across Europe And The Middle East
Vigilantes in Austria, Belgium, England, France, Italy and Saudi Arabia last week thwarted the issuance of speed camera tickets.

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Andrew J. Dankanich
Pennsylvania: Third Circuit Court Of Appeals Protects Philadelphia Photo Ticket Program
Federal appeals court cites technical grounds to throw out whistleblower lawsuit alleging red light camera fraud in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Destroyed speed camera
Speed Cameras Hassled, Destroyed In France, Netherlands, UK
Speed cameras last week suffered attacks in England, The Netherlands and France.

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