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House Transportation Committee
US House Democrats Seek Government Funds For Speed Cameras
Federal transportation reauthorization measure would use taxpayer dollars to subsidize the roll out of speed cameras nationwide.

The US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Wednesday will review sweeping legislation that would, among other things, encourage local governments to set up speed cameras using federal taxpayer dollars. The move would reverse a ban on federal funding for both red light cameras and speed cameras that has been in place since 2015. The House Democratic leadership's proposed transportation reauthorization measure, dubbed the Invest in America Ac ...

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Burned French speed camera
Smashed Speed Cameras in France, Germany, Spain
Vigilantes last week smashed German speed cameras, spraypainted a Spanish device and burned a French machine.

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Crow Indian Reservation police
Tribal Traffic Stops Upheld By US Supreme Court
Traffic stops and speed traps will become more common on tribal lands after US Supreme Court expands authority of tribal police.

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Saudi speed camera disabled
Anti-Speed Camera Activity In France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia
Truckers in Italy protest photo radar, an egg is thrown at a speed camera trap in Germany and more automated ticketing machines disabled in France last week.

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Verra Mobility and Redflex
Verra Mobility Loses Money, Buys Its Main Money-losing Rival
Verra Mobility wins approval of deal to buy Redflex, though both photo ticketing companies continue to lose cash.

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